How could we create simplified strength training designs with the bare minimum of adjustments and still accommodate users of different sizes?
When we began to produce samples, we gathered a wide range of users to test our prototypes. It was critical that we observe how easily they could get in and out of the equipment. We also wanted to find out if they could start a workout with little or no instruction.
We also reached out to key customers to see how the series would work as a circuit program. They were thrilled, because with less time needed to adjust the equipment, anyone could move through the circuit quickly and get a total body workout in less time.
By developing long, neutral position grips and extending the seat, we eliminated the need for seat adjustment for users from a wide range of heights. On the seated row, we angled the long grips and added multiple foot peg positions, allowing us to eliminate both the chest pad and the seat adjustment, so virtually anyone can sit and go. On the biceps curl, we created a clear pivot point for optimal elbow alignment and comfort.
Through direct feedback from fitness facilities, we learned that Go Series was particularly popular with beginners, seniors and deconditioned users. Thanks to the illustrated exercise placards and minimal adjustments, almost everyone could use the equipment effectively without any additional instruction.
We even discovered ways to streamline service and maintenance, minimizing downtime for users. Our spring-loaded guide rods can be easily and quickly removed without any tools, and our metal shrouds are incredibly easy to get on and off for quick cleaning.
Holding ourselves to EN957 and ASTM equipment safety standards, we used advanced manufacturing techniques to develop a collection of strength training equipment that was as thoroughly vetted and as rigorously tested as anything we’ve ever created.